Commercial Property Insurance
from Eagle Street Insurance

Our team is ready to start putting together your Commercial Property Insurance recommendations. We'll work tirelessly for you to ensure you get the right coverage for your situation. And whenever you need a hand, we'll be here for you.
Commercial property insurance provides a wide range of coverage for buildings, inventory, equipment, and more.
This type of policy typically covers things like losses from fire, break-in, vandalism, wind and other natural or manmade disasters.
Some of the most common categories of commercial property insurance include:
Insuring Buildings - If you own a commercial building, you’ll need property insurance to protect your investment.
Business Interruption Coverage - Also known as business income insurance, this coverage reimburses a business owner for lost profits and fixed expenses while a business is closed. It applies while the building is being restored due to damage from an event such as a fire. It may also cover financial losses that result from limited customer access to your building after a disaster.
Business Personal Property Coverage - Protects property at a specific location – assets such as furniture, fixtures, equipment, and inventory.
Flood Insurance - Many commercial property policies exclude flooding as a cause of loss. If your business is in an area prone to flooding, you’ll need to purchase a separate policy to protect your business against potential flood losses.
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Insurance - Specifically designed to protect computer-related equipment, for which most commercial property policies provide limited coverage. EDP policies may broaden coverage to include damage from things like power surges or computer viruses.
You’ve invested a lot into your business, so make sure you protect your investments. Contact us today and we'll help you find the property insurance coverage that best suits your needs and budget.
Our insurance team will discuss your specific needs and assemble a comprehensive insurance proposal for your review. We'll answer all your questions and make sure you're comfortable with your coverage.
We're a team of enthusiastic insurance agents who just enjoy helping people. Whether it's an in-depth conversation about policy coverage or helping a frazzled customer with their claim, we're here for you.